Could it be? Is this visitor on my desk the famous

I am generous to my guests. I'm going to let him hang out in my favorite spot with me:

Adan, is it really you? Maybe I will be able to tell by your scent:

We quickly fall to the floor, rolling around, kicking and biting. This is fun! I am so envious of Lego who gets to live with you and pounce on you! Except...
No! it is
not Adan! It is an unknown intruder-cat and I must defend my territory against it! Oh my goodness... this little toy is a
freak! I was showing it who was Boss and all of a sudden it made a horrible, awful, scary noise. Worse than any thunderstorm, of which I am not afraid! I ran away (
Ms. C:
When you squeeze it, it plays "Oh Christmas Tree").

I will conquer my fear of that intruder soon. I wish it had been the real Adan.
I see you, HAHAHAHA~~~~
You are so so sweet having this lovely adorable sweet tuxi cat next to you~! I feel like you are a very sweet brother, hehehe~~
You reminds me the costume I wear last year, please see this:
I am really next to you!!!
Have a wonderful lovely Sunday!
Purr and purr,
It really does look like Adan, complete with the reindeer antlers he wore last Christmas. It's too bad it made a scary noise.
Oh My!!!!!
We are so sorry it wasn't Adan.
Then to hear it singing about Christmas when it is 6 months away.
You gave it a good thumpin' though, well done!
Purrs Shade and Goldie
Hahahahahaha! Abby, that was funny! Keel Heem!
Intruder is a fake Adan, you attack and repell that kittie.
For a second, I thought it really was Adan dressed up in his deer suit. Then I realized it was an intruder.
You are very smart to determine that that was an intruder Abby!!!!!
It sings you say!!! ?? You need to bunny kick it some more!! :)
Purrs Mickey
Hahaha! We knew that was not Adan! Mom has several of those musical cats! By the way - we do NOT care for any of them!
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