
Thank you for watching it. I know it wasn't the most exciting. Since you were so patient, here is a gratuitous picture of my lovable fangs:

Last but not least, black-cat extraordinaire Mickey challenged us with the cold-box meme. The instructions are:
Show us a photo of the front of your Cold Box and tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it! Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL!
My family just moved recently, so the cold-box is still a work-in-progress:Ms. C has marked the important things of note:
- A greeting card featuring Sen-Chan and Tom! The card is of course wonderful, but what Ms. C loved even more was that the French stamps themselves featured actual pictures of Sen-Chan and Tom! She collects stamps and thinks customized stamps of these important things is really super cool.
- A drawing by her nephew. He sent her this one over a year ago when she was not feeling well. Sweet!
- Another drawing by her nephew. This one is called "Elephants" !!
What's inside? Well, I think it's very important to note that my stinky-goodness tuna is in there. Almost every time Ms. C goes to the kitchen, I follow her hopefully, wishing that it would be tuna time. She gives me a small bite 3 times a day: once at lunch when she eats, once at dinner when everyone eats, and later after my foul medicine.
For this meme I am going to tag Texas and Oliver! Tell us about your cold-boxes.
PS. I just learned it is also Percy's birthday, over at Jan's Funny Farm! Wish him a happy birthday too.
You're having a busy day, Abby! Thanks for the birthday greetings! You are one of my most treasured friends, along with Ms. C, of course!
Loved the fang picture. Sleeping with your eyes open... that's VERY interesting. I must try. I am of the "squish your eyes as shut as possible" school.
#1 left freshly cooked chicken in a pot when she went out this morning to get stuff for the party. When she got back, most of it was gone! I wonder where...
Your Pal,
We just got back from Sen's blog, great graphic!!
We can't believe that you sleep with your eyes open. Wow! You are a mysterious one!!
Purrs, Goldie and Shade
Hi Abby!
We will hafta go over and wish Sen-Chan a happy purrday! Woo woo woo...
I loved your fang picture and your sleeping with your eyes opened. I think that is a great idea. I wonder if I can do that. I will have to practice.
Abby(the Manx)
Those fangs of yours look like they can really do a good job putting on the bitey. Love the video especially where your cute little head slides down. We'll have to try sleeping with our eyes open.
Laila and Minchie
What a big day - happy birthday to Sen-Chan and Percy!
Sleeping with your eyes open seems to me to be an excellent skill to have!
I find your human to be rather talented with graphics. I find sleeping with open eyes is a great talent. Primarily its good if you can breath really shallow breaths because then your humans heart stops and the poke you to make sure you're still breathing. Hehe....
Hey, how nice to find another kitty with a birthday today. We'll all head right over there to congratulate him.
You have nice fangs.
Sleeping with your eyes open is very funny and cute!
Ha ha. I sleep with my tongue out a lot! Sweet dreams to you!
Thanks for tellin' us about Sen-Chan's birthday, Abby! I'm gonna run over there and wish him a great day! That's so funny that you sleep with your eyes open. My mom used to sleep with hers open when she was a little girl, and would get in trouble sometimes 'cause her mom thought she was fakin' it! And you're such a cute fang-face!
This is very perfect graphic~!!!!!! I think Sen will be very pleased~!
And I LOVE seeing your sleeping video, too cute!
That's very impressive, Abby - sleeping with your eyes open! :) You cold box looks very tidy!
Thanks for tagging me, I will do my meme tonight! That is cool that you can sleep with your eyez open!!
Hi! Thanks so much for welcoming us into your little cat world...well really huge cat world..your friend.
Miss Henry & Marley too.
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