It didn't take long at all, and soon enough Ms. C and I were back home again! It's so wonderful to have that horrible collar off. Now I can give myself a full bath!!! As soon as I situated myself on one of the best locations in the house, that is just what I did:

I have been developing some new, special whiskers on my face which you cannot see in either of the above pictures, but Ms. C promises that tomorrow she will feature them in a special portrait.
That is such a totally happy picture of you on the piano! We just love it! Congrarulations on getting rid of the pesky collar.
Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom
Congrats on making it back from the vet safe and sound! I agree - that chair is the perfect backdrop for you!
You must be purrfectly happy to have that collar off!! We love your bathing spot!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
So, Abby... when are you coming over to chase (and get...) my tail?
Your Pal,
You look so much better without that collar and I know you must feel better especially after a proper bath....
Abby(the Manx)
We love your piano photo, Abby! Having that collar really cramps your style, huh?
Love the piono shot!! Do you play?
Hooray! The conehead is off! It must feel much, much better. Cannot wait to see your whiskers.
I'm so happy you don't have to wear the cone anymore. Do you play the piano? I can't wait to see your new special whiskers.
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