Thursday, July 31, 2008


I like to assist Ms. C in all that she does. When she was in the kitchen taking out the trash, I decided to assist her when she reached for a new garbage bag:

I really like to get into places like this. I would probably stay awhile inside, except that Ms. C is always moving around the house, and I really need to keep an eye on her. I wish she would spend more time here and leave more doors open for me.

I may look lazy, but I know that toy's inside the cat condo and I am going to Get it! Won't you come and play with me?


Mr. Hendrix tagged me for the Four Things meme a couple of days ago, so here are my answers:

  1. Four jobs I’ve had: I have always been self-employed, and I have many important jobs. First and foremost, I am a Watcher. I must keep an eye on my humans at all times and be in the same room with them. I'm a professional tuna-eater. I am also a pro-napper. Finally, I am an Expert of Play Techniques.
  2. Four movies I can watch over and over: I have never actually watched a movie, can you believe it? Perhaps when my humans get a TV they will get me some videos of safari animals like hyenas and lions, or birds. For now, looking out the window suffices.
  3. Four places I’ve lived: First I lived at a pet-store, second I lived with a lady who had to give me up, then third I lived at the SPCA, and fourth I lived in my current forever home with Ms. C and Mr. R who rescued me!!
  4. Four TV shows I love: Well, we don't have a TV so I can't love any shows. But I can imagine that I love shows about nature and animals I'd like to.... eat.
  5. Four places I’ve vacationed: I have to agree with Mr. Hendrix, my life is also one long vacation! If I could go anywhere at all, I would like to go to a morning fish market in Japan. I imagine it as one big all-a-cat-can-eat buffet.
  6. Four of my favorite dishes: I love tuna and shrimp, tuna and crab, tuna and ocean whitefish, and tuna by itself.
  7. Four sites I visit daily: I watch Ms. C while she visits the journal of author Neil Gaiman, Sen-Chan and Tom's blog The Poupounette, for lack of a better news site, and the Distributed Proofreaders site where she volunteers in proofreading documents for Project Gutenberg.
  8. Four places I would rather be right now: There is no place I'd rather be right now! I am in my forever home, in my own chair, right beside Ms. C snoopervising her typing.


Daisy said...

I am very glad that you are in the exact very place where you want to be!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hi Abby! We are very honoured to be included in your 4 favourite sites. Thanks!

Sen-Chan agrees that cupboards are great and he is all for spending lots of times in them! Tom on the other hand is always with #1, whatever she is doing!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan and Tom

PB 'n J said...

There's no better place to be than your forever home - you are so very right!

Mickey's Musings said...

I must say,exploring places that have doors is most fun ;)
I liked your meme too :)
Mom thought #7 was cool !
Abby the Play Expert,heehee cool :)
Purrs Mickey

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

oAH Abby~!
Now you are having a forever home~!
This is the most happiest thing in the world!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I can't believe you've already had FOUR homes in your short life. I'm so happy you found Mrs. C and Mr. R.



I can't believe how alike we are! I love cupboards too and I have to investigate them to make sure that there are no invisible monsters in them to protect Momma. Momma always opens the cupboards for me and I climb in and check everything out for her. I love cupboards!

Abby (the manx)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I LOVE cupboards too but I am not as heldful as you are in them. I basically search out plastic to lick.

purrs Goldie

Cat Street Boyz said...

Would you believe that some of us do not like tuna! We prefer salmon, and it has to be RED salmon not that blah pink stuff! You are lucky being able to explore the cabinets ours are kitty proof....except the clothes closets and Toy got closed in Grammoms twice! Luckily mommy has super hearing and saved him from that darn hole.......he made a big mess of her stuff though....maybe he was throwing things at the closet monsters!=^Y^=Tinker