Here is a picture from a week before my operation. No, I am not squinting because of the camera flash, I am squinting because I am Having Bad Thoughts because I am sly! You see, I really, really want to bite that cord that I am hiding with my paw right now. I figure if I cover it up then bite it, no one will know what I am doing. Maybe I need to change my technique because for some reason, as soon as they tell me "no" and my eyes go all half-shut, they know I am up to something.

Now, as requested, the tummy pic! You can see my frankencat stitches. I show my belly all the time when I relax, and I like to roll around when my people approach.

I have so remiss in not checking in on you. I blame my's her fault...I will get even with her later. Firstly I am so distressed to see you with those frankenkitty stitches. I hope you are feeling alright. I remember many many MANY naps ago when I was put through the same suffering you are going through. But, I have to admit it's better than keeping those organs that they removed. I am much happier... OOPS DID I really say that? We should never let them know when they put us through such distress that it was a good thing. But I will keep you in my purrayers dear little Miss (T)Abby.....
Abby(the Manx)
I bet those are kind of itchy?? Hopefully in a few days they'll either dissolve or get removed. Just keep resting and don't pull them.
It is best to let you rest and recuperate a bit, but we'll be looking forward to new pictures too.
I always get really quiet when I'm doing something bad - I even manage to quiet my jingle bell collar!
That is the cutest, softest-looking tummy, Abby! #1 says it looks very kissable!
We hope you will get rid of those evil Franken-stitches very soon, and can then also get rid f that nasty collar, and get back to having all your usual fun.
Your Pal,
I love your sly expression!
oh Abby, we are distressed to see the frankenstitches too. no wonder you wanted to pull them out. Don't feel bad though, because our Gramma Trixie pulled hers out - not once, but twice. The ferst time was the day after her oper-way-shun and the 2nd time was on the way HOME from getting them redone! Mommy said she turned the car around and tooked her back and they putted the biggest hugest e-collar on her that they could find. She weighted 2 pounds and the collar weighted more so she could not walk. They managed to get it cut down but she would spend HOURS trying to get at them. AND showing her belly to anyone who walked by so that they would feel sorry for her. Now, the trick with the e-collar is to 'tend you cannot eat so that they haf to feed you wif a spoon. Guilt is a powerful weapon.
Oh, Abby, my belly looked like that just a few months ago. But I didn't have to wear one of those funny collar things.
Your beautiful fur will grow back soon and you will never know it was ever gone!
You are quite the patient, getting waited on hand and foot - um, paw.
We are glad you are recuperating, but no more working on the stitches. You need to heal and then they will be gone.
Poor Abby.......hopefully that stupid collar will come off soon. Ty doesn't like the word "no" either but he does understand it, he just chooses to ignore it as much as possible!=^Y^=Tinker
Oh noes, this looks like a sad situation, you have that giant collar around you head. You look upset about it and I would too. I hope it comes off very soon and you can return to normal craziness.
Luv, willie
Miss Abby, we're sending stitch-healing vibes your way so you can get back to your normal life soon. Those collars are no fun at all!
Oooh, the collar! This is what you do. Look so very, very pathetic and sad and pretend that you can't reach your food and water bowls because the collar gets in the way. It will totally score you extra scritches and treats and all kinds of attention.
We think your frankenstitches lend you a certain air of entitlement, Abby. You're entitled to more of your favorite food, treats and scritchies!
Abby, we are glad you are feeling well enough to start thinking up of trouble you can get into. It is fun to get into stuff. One of the cats who came before had to wear baby clothes because he could get out of an e-collar to get to stitches when he had to have stomach surgery.
Go for the sympathy as much as you can.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Awesome stitches Abby!!! I am happy you got through your spay with no problems!!! Now you can heal up and get back to serious kitty fun!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
What a cute tummy you have. We like your sly look. :)
Oh I love shaved bellies, made me remember Nixon when he um... had some work done. He he!
Fatty had to have surgery, I guess it's been a year or so, on his leg. He pulled out his stitches too the first day!
Hey there beautiful, be not ashamed of your belly, be proud. Purs and kisses!
-Nixon ;)
I think someone has a crush
Oh mommmm!
I sincerely wish you will be recover completely soon :)
You have very wonderful photos~!! Very Very good looking!
Hi sweet Abby! How are you feeling today. Your tummy is cute....even shaved! We hope that you get your stitches out soon!!!
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