Good images of me are very hard for Ms. C (or anyone else for that matter) to capture because I am always on the move. For every clear picture you see here, there are about 10 others in which I am simply a blur or not even in the picture at all! Here are a few of my better moments. First, I enjoy waiting behind this curtain for Ms. C to walk by, and then I either ambush, run away from her, or both:

Here you see me skulking across the room towards the
monstrous cat-condo. Sometimes it's a nice, peaceful place to rest, but other times it becomes unruly and must be bitten:

As you can see, I have mastered the cat-condo. Although, it will be sure to take a few more bites and kicks for good measure before I am done with it:

Do you see that cloth on the floor by my cat condo? I have to kill it too every day. I have to wrestle it into submission, as well as cavort in, bite, and drag any papers I see lying around into the fracas! And here you see me leaping away from the chaos to the safety of my perch on Ms. C's desk:
Hi Abby! Guess what? I have a cat condo that looks exactly like yours! What happens here is that I go in there and then Goofy Tom tries to put his entire head inside!
Anyway, it is clear that you are doing an excellent job of keeping Ms.C entertained, ahem I meant protected!
Your Pal,
Ambushing and stalking the condo!!!!!!!!!!!! Very worthwhile pursuits. You do them so well :) heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
what a great cat condo! i can tell it needs to be bunny kicked and bitten to stay in line. good job.
have you ever posted your web linky on the cat blogosphere news page? it is a great way to meet new friends. every time you post, go to and scroll to just below the day's news. you can put your name and web link there.
also, introduce yourself on anyone's bloggy you like! that is how i got started. i just left comments a few times a week bloggies and made lotsa new friends.
Look at your puffy tail! You are very cute.
Hey Abby! You sure look like you are having fun.
I love your cat condo. You are one lucky cat.
Abby, you look like you are having a great time wrestling everything into submission. That is always the best way to start the day.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
You look very fierce on your way to do battle with the condo. I think I would enjoy a condo ruckus too.
purrs Goldie
Abby, you are just AWESOME!
Hello and Welcome! We are Maggy and Zoey and we're glad to meet you. You're a most handsome "tigger tab" and we'll visit as often as we can. In fact, our new little feral sister Charlie looks a wee bit like you... also our Human says to tell you she had fun reading all the wit-and-wisdom on your blog. Bye now.
Good job mastering the cat condo. Abby! :)
Hi Abby and welcome to the catblogosphere! We just read your blog from the beginning and got lots of laughs. We've added you to our furiend list so we can read about your kitten adventures every day.
Keeeeeeeeelllll itt! Just lookin' at those pictures makes my tail all poofy..and your glowy eyes..Aaack! I gotta go find my toy mousie..I'm sure it needs a bunnykick.
Abby, you are quite the mighty huntress! That condo and cloth don't stand a chance with you. We think you would be fun to play with!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You definitely won this round with the condo!
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