I really love these relaxing Caturdays when all my humans are home and giving me all of their attention. Mr. R pleased me by getting up at 6am as usual, and I played the
thundering herds game. Ms. C told me she could hear me well even though she was still in bed, so I must be getting better at it!!
She thinks the light fur under my tail is so cute, and she wanted to share it with you, but I thought that the photo was a tad bit rude. You can see why when I run around, she is reminded of the white-tailed deer:

Sen-Chan's example, I pass much of my afternoon beautifying and just
being wonderful:

Finally, when it is time to relax, I know where I look good:

I may add a little more to this in a bit, but Ms. C and I need to call her grandmother, today is her 94th birthday!
Happy 94th Birthday. Mrs A!!!!
Your pale undertail is just lovely. Do I need to tell you how much I appreciate the other photos? Great minds do think alike! Or is it "great cats rest alike?"
Your Pal,
Oh, look at your little ear tufts in the last photo! That's very exotic.
Wow, 94, that is wonderful. I think it is good that your photo was censored. Must be ladylike. Nice to meet you!
94?!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!
Happy Birthday to your Great Granny!!!
Your tail is eally cute too , heehee. I like you laying on the piano :)
Purrs Mickey
NINETY FOUR!!! Happy Birthday!!
T'Abby, your pictures are beautiful!
WOW, what a ripe old age--94! You are so cute in your different places! I especially like the shot of you lying on the piano keys. My Tabby Manny likes to go on top of the piano and when he hops off, sometimes he'll hit the keys but the music scares him and he runs out of the room. I'd love to teach him to play for awhile!
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