After that moment of repose, I find out that the monstrous cat condo is trying to claim one of my furrymice! I rescue it, as you can see I've retrieved it from the upper maw and am delivering it to the floor:

I often find that somehow, my furrymice end up in Mr. R's shoe! I work very hard to retrieve it from this place:

I always have success. And as you can see, I smile as I receive praise for all of my accomplishments from Ms. C:

That is the CUTEST SMILE ever!
Your Pal,
PS: Tom thinks so too, and #1 too!
You did a very good job - you need to be vigilant about those fuzzy mice!
Mommy loves your name!
What a beautiful smile you have there! I like to play with mousies too!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Our dad's shoes always try to hide our mice from us too! It's nice to meet you, Abby.
Zoe, Indy and Georgia
What a darling toofy grin!
Yes, don't let those fuzzy mice get out of hand. Next thing you know they'll be taking over the cat condo and then the shoes and then .....
Stop them now, before they're too powerful.
Now that's a happy face! Tiger kitties always show their teefs!=^Y^=Ty
Oh Abby, you look adorable in that last photo! What a cute face.
what a cutie you are ;)
AWWWWWWW! lookit the purrty smile, complete with fangs! too cute!
Have you ever found those toys in your water bowl? I have no idea how they get there but sometimes they just do. You have a really cute smile!
Hi Abby! Nice to meet another tabby tiger like myself. I like your smilin picture, it's very smily.
Great job rescuing that mouse :)
I live your smile. You have cute teeth too ;) I like how they peek out!!
Purrs Mickey
You have some golden furs in your brown tabbiness just like my sister does. My mom thinks it's quite attractive.
You look so so adorable, Abby~!!!
I want to give you a super big hug!!!
Hey, T'Abby,
Happy 4th of July to your human veteran!
From all of us at JFF
What a wonderful smile you have Abby!
Abby, you do look good there, but then, you look good everywhere!
Happy Independence Day!
Welcome to the cat blogosphere Abby!
I likes your fang piccy, its furry nice.
What a pretty smile you have! So glad I have met you.
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