Hi Everyone! Abby here. Ms. C is on the road today, so she did not take any pictures of me before she left, so she has decided to instead do a tribute to the cat that came before. I shall let her speak for herself.
Ms. C: I think most of us have been through our share of tough times, and when we make it through those times, we should always find some way of rewarding ourselves. Back in 1998 when I found the light at the end of the tunnel, I decided that it was time for me to get a cat. it would be my first pet, and rewarding for both me and the cat who found its new forever home!
So, I went to the SPCA. I was looking for a cat to take home with me, because I know everyone always wants those cute kittens (sorry Abby... I love you even though you are a kitten!). I spent a lot of time looking at those kittens and cats before I saw her.
Perhaps you have had this moment too, when you go to look for a friend, and then it happens. You make eye contact with The One. I don't know how I missed her, I walked around that place in circles for quit awhile before I saw her, sitting on her haunches in her litter-box. I felt like running back out to the front area where the volunteers were, but I made myself walk.
"I found her!" I told them.

Her name-card said her name was "Magic," but I decided that she would have to earn her name. She really earned her name when I tried to bring a second cat into the picture. A friend of mine had a landlord who told him "either the kitten goes or you both go," and that is when I learned something about my cat's nature. No Other Cats were to be tolerated. After three months (and the unwelcome kitten found a more welcoming forever home), she earned her name: The Big Black Evil Cat! Or Evil for short.
She was large, and extraordinarily friendly to all humans. If a group of friends were over, she sat down right in the center of everyone so she could be close to us all. Even though she was declawed (before I got her), she was not a biter. In fact, she saw biting as a real rudeness. Have you ever met a cat that was exceptionally polite? She was one of those cats.
Even though her name card at the SPCA said "Magic," I found out later that she had had her picture in the paper the week before as "pet of the week," and they made the poor camera-shy feline wear a silver party-hat. When I first got her, she was terrified of cameras, but got over it over time. The picture in the paper said her name was "Big Black," and considering her extraordinary size, she definitely fit that description!

We will miss you forever, Evil! You were a truly wonderful friend.
Oh, that is so sad Ms. C!! Cancer is so evil, and not evil in a good way like your cat! I am sure you miss Evil terribly, but I'm sure Abby is taking very good care of you now and that Evil watches over you from the bridge.
I'm so sorry Evils' life was cut short, but it sounds like you had an amazing time together. You were both truly fortunate to find each other.
She sounds a wonderful and fun cat and how sad that her life was so short.
Abby, I think cats can breathe in space if they go there in their dreams:) xxx
What a beautiful, loving kitty! So sorry her life was not long but at least she found her forever home and got to enjoy her time with you.
purrs, Goldie and Shade
What a wonderful story. It is so hard when our friends have to leave so soon, but she was definately loved and she knew it.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
She sounds like a really really special cat. Such a shame about loosing her too young. Its funny you would write this today because our One Who Came Before is at the vet's.
What a beautiful story of the Cat-Who-Came-Before! It's clear that Evil was a very special and much beloved cat.
Thank you for telling us about Evil. She sounded like a lovely cat. We are sorry that she had to leave you too early to go to the Bridge, but she knows she was loved while she was with you.
Oh, how sad her life was cut so short. But you gave her some very happy time before she passed.
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