Friday, January 11, 2013

All Night Long.... Alll Night...

Ms. C: A couple of days ago, I had the distinct feeling that Styx was going through a change of attitude. Being so comfy and safe-feeling in her home, well-fed and loved, it was bound to happen. Yes, she is in full-blown estrus.

I think I know what inspired Lionel Ritchie's song "All Night Long." Probably his cat.

Styx: Rrrrrow? Rrrrrrrooow? Oooohhhhh.....! Wooahooh. Roww. Oooh.
          Rrrrrow? Rrrrrrrooow?  Wooahooh. Roww. Oooh. Oooohhhhh.....!
          Oooh. Rrrrrow? Rrrrrrrooow? Oooohhhhh.....! Wooahooh. Roww.

We're both tired!

Ms. C: I stayed up for quite awhile brushing her, playing with her string toy with her, keeping her distracted. Though she loves catnip, it didn't seem to help. Her spaying is scheduled for the 22nd of the month. YAY! I predict we will all be very tired by then. She is really a super, friendly little girl. 

What things have you done when your little kitties experience this to help comfort them?

Greeting each other nose-to-nose



Katnip Lounge said... could get her a TOMCAT!!


Well, it should only last about a week.

TabbyNormal said...

We sure hope so :D

Jans Funny Farm said...

It's been a good many years, but as Jan remembers it, she didn't get hardly any sleep the whole time! And there were TWO!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Pops says way back when, we think there were pterodactyls then, anyhow, his lady Kitty would sing all night. Then after a few days she would pretend it was all over and make a mad dash out the door. Coming home all dirty the next day she would be very pleased with yourself. So be careful of your young lady.
Timmy Tomcat

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

My mom say´s she i sorry to tell you there i NOTHING you can do to make a un-spayed cat to stop howling.
Hope you got strong nerves :)

ZoeKitten84 said...

Show her a picture of Giacomo..WAIT-that might make it worse!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oh my, it could be a very long week indeed. Good luck and have a great weekend. xoxo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, WE know about kittehs in heat!!! ~ Ayla and TBT