Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Stygia: It's potentially Sun-Day every day here. Now that fall has arrived, the sun spends all morning and afternoon coming through our windows, a little longer each day. And did you know, those Plague Ratsies smell even better in the sun? Here I am after a really wild session with my ratsy, keeping my paw on its tail so it won't get away:

Of course, there is someone else, She Who Shall Not Be Named, who does not like to be left out. Ms. C caught the action with her secret security camera which is why it is a bit murky, but you can get the idea:

It's all about the Plague Ratsies!!


Anonymous said...

Sunshines are the best! We do not have a Plague Ratsie, but we bet Whitey would give it a really big bitey if we did!

Cat with a Garden said...

We haven't seen the sun for days. Hrmpf. I can never enjoy a nip/valerian toy without the scary Chillimus attacking me. Sisfurs!
Purrs, Siena


It was cloudy here all day until very late and then boom MR.Sun made his first appearance ... but rainy weather makes great nappin weather.


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Warm rodent sounds delightful!!!!!

Parker said...

What a smack down!

The Island Cats said...

Those plague ratsies get you every time!!

The Monkeys said...

Sunbeams and a Plague Rat! Nothin' better!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I thought I would try and visit all of my friends before my surgery on Monday! It is so good to see everyone!

What a great picture!!!

Love, Auntie Deb

Cat with a Garden said...

It was great that you made it to celebrate our blogoversary with us. You two are among our first and most cherished friends!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah, those things can disappear fast iffen ya dont hold them down!

meemsnyc said...

Hmm, we never seen one of those Plague Ratsie before. Looks interesting.

Anonymous said...

this is a test to see if my main puter can post here now AND to check on mrs c and her wonderful solar powered cats

TabbyNormal said...

You have finally succeeded!! Hoorah!